Private Agriculture in Armenia
Zvi Lerman and 1 more
Not Available
Romanian Agriculture and Transition Toward the EU
S Davidova and 1 more
Transition, Institutions, and the Rural Sector / Edited by Max Spoor
Max Spoor
Agriculture in Transition
Zvi Lerman and 2 more
Building Market Institutions in Post-Communist Agriculture
David A J Macey and 2 more
Russia's Food Policies and Globalization
Stephen K Wegren
Cooperation in the Romanian Countryside
Rachel SabatesWheeler
Reinventing the Cuban Sugar Agroindustry
Jorge F PérezLópez and 12 more
Jorge F PérezLópez and 1 more
Integrated Development of Agriculture and Rural Areas in Central European Countries
Sophia Davidova and 2 more
Measuring Social and Economic Change in Rural Russia
David J OBrien and 1 more
Russia's Agriculture in Transition
Zvi Lerman
Rural Transition in Azerbaijan
Dragons With Clay Feet?
Max Spoor and 2 more